To learn more about Special Education services read below:
What is an IEP?
An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is the hallmark of special education that requires that an individualized program be developed by a team of professionals, and that programs delineate the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance, the strengths of the student, goals for the student and special education services to achieve goals.
I have a child that I think would benefit from Special Education services. What should I do?
If your child is already in school, reach out to his/her teacher. If the teacher has the same concerns, he/she can help you get connected with the public school staff. The public school can then do an evaluation on your child to see if he/she is eligible for Special Education under one of the 13 categories defined by the State of Michigan.
If your child is not yet in our schools, but already has an IEP through an Early Childhood program, please reach out to the Special Education teacher at your school and/or one of our board members so we are aware. This IEP will be transferred over and adjusted if needed when the school year starts.
If your child is not yet in our schools, but already has an IEP through an Early Childhood program, please reach out to the Special Education teacher at your school and/or one of our board members so we are aware. This IEP will be transferred over and adjusted if needed when the school year starts.
What types of services will the Special Education program provide for my child?
Our Special Education programs provide a wide variety of services depending on each students' need. Some of our students, especially in the lower grades, may have a paraprofessional with them during majority of the day at school; this is to help them stay on track in the classroom and learn appropriate school behaviors. Some students may require the support of a paraprofessional in the classroom for physical, mobility needs, or academic support. Several of our students are pulled out of the general education classroom during the day to receive individualized instruction in one or more subject areas to help meet the students' learning needs. In the general education classroom, many of our students have accommodations and sometimes modifications made to the coursework so they can succeed alongside their peers. If your child is eligible for services through the public school such as speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy, or social work, they will receive that support as well. The supports for each student are laid out in their individualized support plans that we create for them every year.